Discord Integration

Update: There is a bug in the integration. If you downloaded 1.0.2 please revert to 1.0.1.

New version has discord integration! Special thanks to Jan "Lezalith" Masek who wrote the library and walked me through the integration.

Get Sophie the Witch


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Hi Witchy :)

I got this error message, I think something is wrong?


oh dear ! I’ll get right on it!

(1 edit) (+1)

I rolled back the version. You can get the old version from https://witchydev.itch.io/sophie-the-witch this page. Thank you for letting me know!


Glad to help, no one would have been able to play like this I think  😥

Maybe you could just put the discord server on the game page?


You are right! It was a issue that would’ve prevented many people from being able to play it. I am very thankful to you for pointing this issue out to me! I’m going to hold off on the discord stuff for now.